Thursday, April 8, 2010

What a day- struggling

I had a rough day full of tempations today. I first turned down cookies for veggies at work, I was very impressed with myself, and so was another lady at my table. But then I really wanted ice-cream, so I called Kristi for some encouragement. We went to Golden Spoon and got a mini for 100 calories, but it was really hard to drive by In 'n' Out, Stricklands icecream, and Carls Jr on the way and not stop for a shake. I packed veggies and had them for dinner in the car on the run, but when I got home I really needed some comfort food so I had mac and cheese with hot dogs. I still really want something sugary. I had my cutie clementines, it was good, but all this still didnt hit the spot. Hopefully tomorrow I can get past this. And start again! It wasnt a horrible day, but I've done better. I need to go drink my water and go to bed.

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