My current weight: 230
My long term goal weight: 130 by Feb 2011
My short term goal weight: 200 by June/ 175 by October (at least!)
I want to do this for:
Myself so I can do the things I enjoy again. Hiking, biking, kyaking, being outside and active and not be winded! My health so I dont get sick. My husband so he can have the woman he married. My daughter so she can have an active mommy that can keep up with her and I can set a good example.
I took these pics of me lookin' good so I can accurately compare when I do loose some weight. Next time I will take them not in black... but it is scary! I had to protect all our eyes!
I may have to borrow your camera since I don't own one-haha! Ernie said he would take pics of me w/HIS iphone and email it to me so I can post recent pics. It'll be fun to watch our progress! We're gonna look awesome =)